கோட்டை மாரிஅம்மன்

Language: Tamil

Genre: Devotional, Fantasy, Action

Year: 2001

Director: Rama Narayanan

Release date: 14 December 2001 (India)

Music by: Deva

Written by: Pugazhmani

Actor: Roja, Karan, Devayani, Vivek, Yuvarani, Senthil, Rami Reddy, Nizhalgal Ravi, Venniradai Moorthy, M. S. Bhaskar

Eashwar, an atheist, seeks fortunes by stealing and selling off the golden eyes from the idols of a Hindu deity. However, his wife, who is an ardent devotee of the deity, tries to save him.

Bhairavmurthy tries to steal Goddess Durga's eyes from an idol in a temple after he gets to know that they possess supernatural powers. However, his plans are intercepted by the goddess herself.

Kottai Mariamman

